Take A Simple Tips On Performing Bar Or Bat Mitzvah
According to the Conservative law, when the girl is twelve years old, she becomes bat mitzvah. When the boy is thirteen years old, he becomes accountable. The parent holds the responsibility for their kid’s action before the Jewish girl or boy reaches the age. The Jewish girl or boy becomes responsible for living by the law of Jewish. The child has to accept Jewish law and its obligation completely. Here are some tips on performing the rituals: Celebrating the bar or bat mitzvah • On Saturday, the ceremony is planned at the synagogue Torah reading that follows the child's birthday. For the reason that of Preparation clash at synagogues, the bat or bar mitzvahs are set for months or weeks after the child's birthday. The ceremony is held at home that it does not need Rebbi to present. Most of the families travel to perform this ceremony. • When the event begins, the father says blessing that the thanks to God for reducing him of legal liability for the Child’s futur...